Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Thought I would tell you a little about me and DH.  It will help you to understand the dangers involved in us doing anything together. 

Together we make one whole person.  He has had a severe head injury...my brain is still functioning (more or less).  We both have bad backs...............his hurts when he sits; mine hurts when I stand.  He has 1/2 a stomach (from accident #2) and can eat anything and everything without gaining a pound.  I have all my stomach and can gain weight breathing air.  There are other missing parts but who cares...you get the idea!

The point is it's hard to do things like build a fence with only one person (even if it looks like 2 people)!  We have also come to learn that we don't speak the same language.  (Recent example related to a piece of wood:  "Put the side facing up.....no that's the wide part....oh you mean the edge....no the wide part.....the plane?)  We can and do drive ourselves crazy.  Thankfully it is a short drive and doesn't take long.  This is the point when I just leave and go into the house.  He did finish the gate and the only thing we really had to change was turn the latch right side up!  There is a disconnect in his brain between what he wants to do and how he does it.  However the male part of his brain that won't read directions is intact!

Here is the finished gate.  Giggles are allowed!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Do Over

Have you ever wanted a do over?  I have.........lots of times as a kid and more than a few as an adult!  I always pictured it as a sorta "Peggy Sue Got Married" kind of thing.   Not so much!

Bankruptcy is not fun or easy.  It is humiliating. No we weren't spendthrifts, actually we were way more frugal than most people.  Things happen that you don't expect and can't control.  We fought hard for a year and then we lost everything. 

But this blog is not about what we lost, it is about what we found!   A simpler life.

So we are starting over.  A do over if you will.